Missin My Sibs
I see people I know with family in the same state and I am always very jealous. Lately, since Lauren and Brett are nowhere near, I just imagine things we would do together if we lived in the same place.
- Run two laps around the park (if we could make it) and then walk another just to talk.
- Lay on the hill at the park and watch other people who walk by.
- Go to Starbucks, get drink, peruse.
- Find cute new places to eat. (She's good at this and I am very, very bad.)
- Yoga
- Other fitness classes that we would most likely be very bad at but that would make it funny.
- Find new recipes and create new dishes. Most likely with L1 on video chat.
- Find nice places to take photos of things. Most likely in late afternoon and most likely in black and white or sepia tone.
- Find nice places just to hang out. Maybe tan. Maybe relax. Maybe hike. Maybe sit on a bench. As long as were together.
- Ride bikes
- Shop. Brett may be one the only people that can make this entertaining for me. I hate to shop but for some reason not when I'm with him.
- Drive places. Another one of those things that just happens to be more fun with a little brother.