One whole year...

One year ago Barrett came home from Brazil! So I decided to make him a cake reminiscent of his days on the mission. We're amazed that a whole year has passed, but pleased as ever with our accomplishment of getting to know each other again, dating, getting engaged, and getting married all within that minute amount of time. I also decided to decorate the house a bit before leaving for work so he could have day filled with BRAZIL! Though missing from this picture, decorations did include many more streamers along with the balloons on the wall and Fortaleza soccer jerseys hung on the backs of the furniture.

Also, funny thing having nothing to do with above post, Barrett has mastered the arranging of the fridge just in case we ever happen to be featured on the show MTV Cribs.


Jenni Guynn said…
I love this haha! So cute! And is that a rainbow chip Brazill cake? Mmmmmmmmmmm.
Kell's Belles said…
You are the nicest wife ever!!!
ljb said…
really, we do want to know what flavor the cake is! cherry chip??
ljb said…
also, what else is in your fridge???

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