Ah! Too fast!
Addison is six months old now! She is changing at light speed and I keep trying to will her to slow down, but Heavenly Father planned it this way on purpose I suppose. It just makes me think that all the things to come must be pretty great or she wouldn't be in such a rush to get there.
Things are, might I say, easy? I don't want to jinx myself, but right now we are in a good place. I know that everything (sleeping, schedule, eating, mood) changes without warning, but right now we are doing GREAT.
After we got back on schedule from Christmas, I started letting Addison put herself to sleep for naps. She cried for the first few times, but I just showered and she learned in about a day or two. A week later she was so wiggly at night when I was trying to put her to sleep that I just laid her down and she magically went to sleep without a peep. So now for her three naps I just lay her down with some Christmas lullabies. For bed I nurse for like 5 mins and lay her down awake, and voila, I see her about 9 hours later. Even in the weeee hours of the morn she's too active to fall asleep while nursing any more so I wake up when she does at 5ish, nurse for 10 mins, lay her down and go back to sleep till about 8:30.
Days are another story. She's SO active. I have to hold her right when she wakes up and right before nap time or I would never ever get to hold her. She just arches right out of my arms and is on her way. She moves EVERYWHERE and gets into EVERYTHING. It is so fun! I had to take the blue door knobs off the entertainment center because she loved them so much. Yesterday she ended up in the kitchen playing with the vents. I seriously couldn't love her any more. She is SO adventurous and just creeps around the house for hours every day playing with whatever she finds. She tries to slyly go under in the bathtub so she can drink the water and we basically can't get through a diaper or clothes change without her getting away. Pure joy :)
In the last two months Addison...
- has not made any progress drinking from a cup or bottle, ha ha
- learned how to roll back to her back once she was on her stomach,
- started rolling all around the house,
- quickly thereafter learned how to creep on her stomach all over,
- pulled everything off every shelf she could reach,
- started putting EVERYTHING in her mouth, including her feet for a while. She still chews on them in the bath tub,
- still hasn't really figured out sitting because you can't move while your sitting, so why even try!
- has loved bouncing in her jump-a-roo. She really goes all out in that thing.
We just started feeding her food and she loves it so much that I had to cut back because I was afraid she would just stop nursing all together.
I bet she'll be crawling before we know it! She already gets in her little crawling stance, but just hasn't coordinated her movements.
Her hair got so long it was itching her eyes. I had to cut her bangs and she looked very strange for a few days. I will not make that mistake again.
It's so wonderful to hear her laugh now! We can only get her to laugh by doing really wild things like throwing her in the air, pretending to drop her, or throwing pillows on her face. We can sometimes get a giggle with funny noises or mirrors, but she's got pretty high standards. We get a bazillion smiles and happy shrieks though, so we'll take it.
She was 17 lb. 4 oz. at her check up and 28 in long. She amazed me by crying for less than 15 seconds with her shots.
I can't get enough of her! I already miss teeny baby Addie and feel like she's so old. These little guys really are miracles!