Addison's Here!!
I see in my last post I used the phrase "everything has changed." Ha. A house, a job? Not that much change. Baby=change. There have been hundreds of things in the last 10 weeks that I could have never even fathomed thinking about before I had a baby in my life.
I'll most likely have to make it short, due to the fact that Addison doesn't really sleep much during the day any more. I'm not complaining. She slept 11 hours last night. I hoped for her to be awake more for a long time. But it doesn't leave me much time to type a blog post.
My labor was SUPER easy, just like my pregnancy. After an ultrasound checkup on July 30 (38 weeks) that showed my amniotic fluid levels were too low, the doctor had me come in THAT NIGHT (not expected/made me cry more than the labor ever did) so I was ready to be induced the next morning. It was nice to have a schedule like this so I didn't have to worry about Barrett making it home from work if I went into labor. Wednesday morning, July 31, they started the pitocin around 6:30. About 7:30 the doc broke my water. I had to deal with contractions until 8:30 when the epidural guy could get there. Lets just say the contractions were painful enough that squeezing Barrett's hand couldn't help much longer and I was ready to not be scared about the epidural. From 8:30am until about 3:20pm I just hung out. Watched Harry Potter 7.1 a few times. Dozed a bit. Ate lots of ice chips.
Then they told me to push. Barrett claims that sometime during the day they had come in to teach me how to breathe and push etc, but I definitely don't remember that. I didn't take any classes before because I knew it would freak me out too much for my own good. For the first set of pushes I did it completely wrong. They told me what to do after that and 4 sets of pushing later there she was at 3:43!
I remember a few things.
1. After the first set of pushes the doctor said he saw tons of black hair and I was so surprised!
2. Nothing had ever really hurt so I started to get worried for whatever made everyone say labor was so hard. The nurse had to give me a bit of tough love cause I was being a wimp. Whatever is so horrible never came though, so that's nice.
3. I made Barrett spray me with Evian because I thought my face was going to explode.
4. I laughed and cried at the same time when that little gal came and they gave her to me right away.
That first afternoon before the drugs wore off was wonderful. She curled up on me and made so many cute little noises where I could first start seeing her personality. My mom and sister had driven in the night before and Barrett's family came to the hospital to see her the next afternoon.
The hospital gave us a nice little gourmet meal Thursday evening and we checked out two (painful) days later on Friday to take the little munchkin home.
I'll update soon about all the details from the first few months, but baby's 30 second nap is over :)