
It's hard to find things these days that are worth writing about. Life has been a little on the boring side around here for the last few weeks. I was off track for two weeks and Barrett had just finished school so we got a bunch of quality time together, so that was superb. We attempted to get out of the house as much as we could but Rainy May kept us inside more than we'd hoped we would be.

Though I feel like I got nothing accomplished, I did ...

1. Finish Eclipse and read Breaking Dawn, which is like 600 pages (easy, but still),

2. Read 8 pages of Tar Baby by Toni Morrison to prove to myself that I do have the ability to appreciate real literature,

3. Take back Tar Baby due to the pain the 0verly-feminine figurative language caused me,

4. Purchase and plant my flowers for the summer,

5. Go to the mall with Barrett to increase his jeans collection from one pair to three,

6. Decide on my "To be" list and Wordle it, naturally,

7. Go golfing twice,

8. Eat out way too much.


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