
Today a woman used the word tenacious in her testimony. I've heard it a million times but it is one of those words I pass off as a positive attribute but have never really known how it differs from all other favorable characteristics. So I decided to look it up and here is what I got:

  • Not easily dispelled or discouraged; persisting in existence or in a course of action.
  • Holding fast
  • Highly Retentive

If there is one word that I would like to be defined by, as of now, it would be this. I feel that when I decide to do something, I am very good at getting it done and not over-thinking. Examples: 1. Transferring to BYU, 2. Getting married, 3. Taking on a full time internship. I would like to believe that "holding fast" could be used to describe me. Examples: 1. My faith, 2. My current job; difficult but who cares because I love it, 3. My goals; yes there are many but I stick with them. Finally, after looking up retentive and seeing that it is defined as "having the ability to remember facts and impressions easily," I feel that tenacious is the word for me. I cannot count the number of random facts and impressions that have guided my thoughts and decisions throughout the last few years of my life. I also cannot count the number of times per day when I remember something small that I've heard before and it really helps me at my task at hand, whatever it may be.

Hopefully, since this is an awesome word, I can improve my awesomeness to be worthy of it.


Jill said…
You are pretty awesome!
Anonymous said…
Love this. Love you
Barb B. said…
I wonder if tenacity is hereditary?

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